Shrink The Prostate Without Expensive Drugs, Surgery or Side Effects!

Prostate problems affect most men over 50. 

For some men it means increased urgency and waking up 3 or 4 times a night. For other men it means public incontinence, pain or even prostate cancer.

Eventually, many men give up and wrongly believe that their only options are expensive pills their doctor kept pushing them to take.

These men often end up enduring the nasty side effects, only to discover that the medication they were prescribed is very often a temporary solution at best.

Other men are so desperate, they let a surgeon slice into them, digging and scraping and cutting out the prostate gland. 

 These men suffer high rates of sexual dysfunction or even permanent impotence (one study found that 79.6% of men who had their prostate removed suffered impotence 5 years after the surgery).

Many men think that prostate disease is a natural part of getting older, that its inevitable and just something they have to suffer with.

These men couldn't be more wrong.

Prostate disease, BPH, or a high PSA is not natural. It’s not inevitable. It’s not something you have to suffer. It is possible to naturally restore optimal prostate health and shrink the prostate. Keep reading to find out how.

Prostate Disease is not a symptom of age, it's a disease that can be fought and defeated naturally... without having to take drugs, have surgery or endure side effects.


Start Using This All-Natural Risk-Free, Tried-And-Tested Method.**

Many men wonder why their prostate became enlarged. Or what happened to cause their PSA readings or PSA levels to skyrocket in the first place.

Well, an enlarged prostate is the result of metabolic damage building up over decades.

Every piece of junk food you ate when you were younger, every stressful day, and every day spent with zero exercise... each one caused a tiny amount of damage to your body. 

On their own they were irrelevant. However they build up.

Over the last 50 years they have caused your prostate to increase in size and your PSA levels to rise.

Now I'm not saying it’s your fault.

No one told you that this would happen. In fact, they probably told you this was fine.

And very often you didn’t have a choice. We live in a fast- paced, hectic, stressful modern world – sometimes being healthy has to take a back seat to convenience or work.

But there is good news...

Because an enlarged prostate is a metabolic disease, it has a metabolic solution.

There is a natural, drug-free, risk-free and side-effect-free way to stop nighttime waking, stop frequent urination, and take back control of your life and prostate health. A simple and effective way to naturally:

  • Lower PSA levels
  • Shrink the prostate gland
  • Restore prostate health
  • Reduce night time waking
  • Improve urinary flow and function
  • Boost your immune system 



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The NASTY Truth About Prostate Drugs

BPH is a more serious condition than many men realize.

Men with BPH have an 8X higher risk of developing prostate cancer.

The largest study ever done on this was conducted over 30 years and examined over 3 million patient records, noting that men with BPH had a 200% higher chance of dying of prostate cancer.

Having an enlarged prostate is like a ticking- time-bomb , every day that you let it go untreated is another day of straining in the bathroom, waking up in the middle of the night and running the risk of the condition becoming more serious...

For BPH, doctors will often prescribe drugs that work by relaxing the bladder sphincter or the smooth muscles of the prostate gland to improve urine flow.

But the relief is temporary.

These drugs cover up the symptoms without treating them.

It’s like putting a fresh coat of paint on a damaged old house. Sure, it looks better. But it doesn’t fix any of the damage. Sooner or later the walls will come crashing down.

Secondly, these drugs come with nasty side effects like headaches, fatigue, and sudden fainting. 

The truth is that...
Prostate drugs do not work.
At best they hide the symptoms – but only for a short while. And at worst they come with a whole bunch of nasty side effects.
So if drugs and surgery are a bad option, how do you effectively treat and defeat BPH?
It’s time for a new approach.

How Much Is This Going To Cost Me?

Normally The New Improved Prohealth Pack Cost N49,000 from other distributors.

But I'm on a mission to help people, not make money.
One million men and counting.

So today, I’m going to significantly discount the price of this prostate pack.

Today, I’m offering prostate health pack at a very reduced cost...



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Knowledge is power! Well done for reading up to this point. The most important step however begins now because information is only of value if you act on it. I look forward to hear Our Prostate Care Pack success story from you. Start fortifying your prostate gland and it will reward you with sound health.
It is better to ask question than to remain ignorant. Therefore, do you have any question to ask or an enquiry to make? If yes, get in touch with me through any of the routes below!
Sincerely Yours
Men's Health Researcher

Interesting Facts I Bet You Never Knew About Prostate


Why Should You Be Worried About Prostate Issue And Other Related Symptoms?
You may be one of many to have been recently diagnosed with enlarged prostate. You are not alone: many people are in the same condition. Moreover, there is a solution, so you should not despair or give up. 

As you are about to learn, enlarged prostate can be corrected.

You don't have to accept poor health, as it is in your power to change how you live. The painful effects of enlarged prostate are real. But so are the solutions. Don’t resign yourself to living with BPH. 

Addressing your prostate problems now can help avoid complications later. Untreated BPH may lead to urinary tract infections, acute urinary retention (you can’t go at all), blood in urine, and kidney and bladder stones. In severe cases it can lead to kidney damage.

The breakthrough solution you are about to discover on this page is twice as effective as the leading prostate enlargement drugs at correcting enlarged prostate and getting relieved from prostate enlargement pains. 

These approach has been used successfully by thousands of people around the world and has helped them correct their enlarged prostate and restore their sound health.

 What Is Enlarged Prostate?
A man's prostate gland usually starts to enlarge after he reaches 40 years of age. This condition is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The condition has also been referred to as benign prostatic hypertrophy.

The prostate gland secretes a fluid that helps to nourish sperm. The gland itself surrounds the urethra, which is the tube that carries urine from the bladder out through the tip of the manhood. As the prostate grows larger, it may press on the urethra. 

This narrowing of the urethra can cause some men with prostate enlargement to have trouble with urination. Prostate enlargement may be the most common health problem in men older than 60 years of age.

The prostate grows larger due
to an increase in the number of cells (hyperplasia). However, the precise reason for this increase is unknown.

A variety of factors may be involved, including androgens (male hormones), estrogens, growth factors and other cell signaling pathways.

BPH is a benign (noncancerous) enlargement of the prostate that blocks the flow of urine through the urethra. The prostate cells gradually multiply, creating an enlargement that puts pressure on the urethra -- the "chute" through which urine and semen exit the body. 

As the urethra narrows, the has to contract more forcefully to push urine through the body. Over time, the bladder muscle may gradually become stronger, thicker, and overly sensitive; it begins to contract even when it contains small amounts of urine, causing a need to urinate frequently.

 Eventually, the bladder muscle cannot overcome the effect of the narrowed urethra so urine remains in the bladder and it is not completely emptied.

Symptoms Of Enlarged Prostate:

  • A weak or slow urinary stream
  • Difficulty starting urination
  • Urgency to urinate
  • Getting up frequently at night to urinate
  • A urinary stream that starts and stops
  • Straining to urinate
  • Continued dribbling of urine
  • A feeling of incomplete bladder emptying
  • Returning to urinate again minutes after finishing
When the bladder does not empty completely, you become at risk for developing. Other serious problems can also develop over time, including bladder stones, and acute urinary retention (an inability to urinate). 

A sudden and complete inability to urinate is a medical emergency; you should see your doctor immediately. In rare cases, bladder and/or damage can develop from BPH.

How Do Doctors Deal With Enlarged Prostate?

In the past, the only option for people with Prostate Enlargement[BPH] was surgery called Trans Urethral Resection Of The Prostate (TURP),this procedure involves "shaving" or "removing" small pieces of the enlarged prostate that block the flow of urine (see the picture above). TURP usually relieves the uncomfortable symptoms of enlarged prostate but with some few problems.

First, the prostate may enlarge again, requiring another operation. This is true for one in four men who may have to undergo a second TURP procedure in three years.

Secondly, surgery does not prolong life. Study suggests that it actually reduces a person's lifespan by a year.

In some cases, TURP can cause impotence or complete inability to control urination. The most common side effect, however, is retrograde ejaculation, that is, the ejaculated semen enters the bladder instead of shooting out of the penis. This may impair a man's fertility

“A Potent Natural Solution"

I'm going to show you a proven and 100% natural remedy for ENLARGED PROSTATE, which will allow you to...
  • Say goodbye to prostate enlargement problem for good.
  • Boost your confidence and self-esteem. 
  • Get rid of painful urination 100% NATURALLY!
  • End the pain and embarrassment of difficulty starting urination
  • End frequent urge to urinate
  • Say goodbye to difficulty fully emptying your bladder  
  • End straining to urinate
Does That Sound Like Something You Want?

If this is starting to look like the exact solution you want... that's because it probably is...
Imagine - getting this natural solution right now...

...and not too long from now - you're able to completely correct your enlarged prostate and be totally free once and for all.

Can you imagine a life where you never have to worry about prostate problems or living with prostate enlargement?

With this Natural Solution, your days of battling with Enlarged Prostate are over.

In all seriousness... think about what this can do for you...

Can you imagine how good it feels to actually know you no longer have to worry about your prostate, knowing you are completely healthy and safe?

It's the embodiment of FREEDOM & RELIEF!!! FINALLY!!

“What To Expect From This Solution"

You will never have to complain about enlarged prostate again.
 You will say bye bye to other prostate related complications
 You will end frequent urination.
 You say bye bye to frequent urination
 You will live a healthy life without diseases, thus prolonging your life.
And so much more.....................

Now, Here Comes the “Natural Solution" to Your Enlarged Prostate

Using one of the revolutionary plants that has been in existence for over 5000 years, there is now a way by which you can naturally correct your enlarged prostate and regaing sound health quickly.

To Help You Correct Your Enlarged Prostate, Stop Frequent Urination, Tackle Prostatitis And Increase Libido In Men

This natural therapy offers a 100% safe and powerful treatment for correcting Enlarged Prostate.

Vitolize for men, ingredients are highly effective herbal blend that includes vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which help preserve regular urinary flow, maintain prostate health and healthy testicular function.

Contains pumpkin seed that may help keep normal PSA levels steady, help maintain healthy urinary tract functions, prostate and men’s sexual health.

 It contains huge amount of Saw Palmetto the berries of which have been traditionally used to maintain healthy prostate and urinary functions.

This unique blend of seabed minerals is high in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese and zinc. Zinc is an impressive mineral that, among other things, contributes to the maintenance of normal hair, bones, nails and skin.

Dicalciumphosphate, emulsifier (microcrystalline cellulose), magnesium oxide, anti-caking agent (stearic acid), thickener (carboxymethylcellulose), sea minerals, ferrous fumarate, zinc sulfate, manganese gluconate, copper gluconate, L-selenimethionine, potassium iodide, sodium molybdate.
Garlic and thyme, the two powerful antioxidants found in Forever Garlic-Thyme, combine to create a great tool in maintaining good health. When garlic is cut or crushed, enzymes react to produce a powerful immune-enhancing agent.

_ Powerful antioxidant

_ Helps protect the body against free radicals

_ Helps support the conversion of fats to energy

Preliminary scientific evidence suggests that garlic may be helpful for preventing urinary symptoms from an enlarged prostate. A study published in "Nutrition Research" in 2003, showed that men with BPH or prostate cancer who took aged garlic by mouth had significant improvement in urinary symptoms, such as enhanced urinary flow and decreased urinary frequency, after one month of treatment.

This pioneering remedy is the outcome of countless studies conducted over the past three decades by teams of internationally-respected scientists and prostate health specialists. 

As a result, thousands of people who were once in your EXACT same situation are now living healthy.
See the components below;

You Need To Decide TODAY To

Correct Your Enlarged Prostate For Good!

This therapy will also detoxify you, revive your whole life and improve your overall health. So not only will you correct your enlarged prostate, you will prolong your life as well.

Using this natural Solution , you will notice drastic changes in your prostate/urinary gland and not too long into the therapy, you will literally be free from the worry and pain of battling with prostate enlargement. 

Proof that it works! Here are the few words of men that Our Prostate Care Pack has greatly helped
~ Mr. Ibikunle (Lagos) ~

"My overall experience was very positive. It has reduced my anxiety regarding prostate issues and has helped lower my PSA. I therefore recommend this product for any man with Prostate Health Palava!"
~ Mr. Johnson (Abeokuta) ~

"It's the best product so far that I have ever used. I just love the combination. Before I started use the products, I was encountering issues like hard to urinate, pain while urinating, heaviness, I could feel it, so I was always thinking about it. I don't think I could live without it. Therefore, anyone with prostate issues should be aware of these products."
~ Mr. Richard (Calabar) ~

"I have tried many different products to treat my BPH symptoms and I can definitely say that these products combination has by far worked the best. My nightly trips to the bathroom have gone from several to just one. Great Product!! "

These Supplements has no side effect.

These Products Are Certified By NAFDAC And Other International Organisations

                      UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE

ProHealth Pack

@ The Discount Price:

NIGERIA = N28,500
NIGERIA = N48,500
NIGERIA = N69,500

You can't go wrong with this incredible Solution!

I'm absolutely sure that Prostate Enlargement Solution Pack will help you correct your enlarged prostate.

Give it a try..

A trial will convince you

You have nothing to lose!


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We understand the importance of PRIVACY. We will package this product very well and no-one else but you will understand what this package is all about
3 Reasons why you have to get your Prohealth Therapy!
I will personally coach you step by step on how to get effective result when using the products pack through my Educative Email Series.
A unique Products Usage Guide will be sent to you after product purchase.

24hrs Support System will also be Provided.

Men's & Women's Health Researcher
Call & Text, Chat: 07068775422

A Quick Disclaimer

"ProHealth is used as an abbreviation for Prostate Health. ProHealth is made up of four(4) different effective Forever Living Products that greatly work for Men's Urinary and other Health Challenges. Incase the products are brought to you and you can't find ProHealth being written on the pack, don't worry, it's still thesame thing!

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